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Get your free guide to using and managing Chromebooks in K-12 schools

Get your free guide to using and managing Chromebooks in K-12 schools

As K-12 districts further integrate Chromebooks into their curriculums, they have a unique opportunity to transform the educational experience for students and teachers alike. This guide draws on the expertise of experienced educational technology experts and focuses on best practices for managing Chromebooks at the district level, and using them as effective teaching tools that satisfy the needs of both teachers and students alike.

As K-12 districts further integrate Chromebooks into their curriculums, they have a unique opportunity to transform the educational experience for students and teachers alike. This guide draws on the expertise of experienced educational technology experts and focuses on best practices for managing Chromebooks at the district level, and using them as effective teaching tools that satisfy the needs of both teachers and students alike.

    You will learn about:
  • Connectivity options
  • Usage policies
  • Securing students’ personal information
  • Teacher training
  • Digital literacy and digital citizenship

Chromebook Best Practices
Chromebook Best Practices

Chromebook Best Practices

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