
Education Stakeholders Must Work Together on the Key Components of Digital Transformation

For school district leaders today, digital transformation is non-negotiable. But in order for school systems to make a smooth transition to digital learning platforms and curriculums, numerous education stakeholders must work closely together — from teachers, academic personnel and IT, to parents, administration and the broader community.

Digital transformation has many components, but the critical elements can be captured in three Cs: conversion, curriculum and collaboration. Conversion refers to the shift from legacy technology to mobile and cloud-based platforms like Chromebooks and tablets. The shift in curriculum is well underway, with 76 percent of education IT decision makers saying the move from printed textbooks to digital is a key priority. Lastly, collaboration describes the transformation in pedagogy to a more project-based and team-oriented learning approach.

If you are looking to make the digital transformation, this infographic provides helpful tips for making it work across these three critical areas.

Why Education Stakeholders Must Work Together on the Critical Components of Digital Transformation from Samsung Business USA

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