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Kevin Stiles and Jim Row
Kevin Stiles is CTO of Oceus Networks, the innovative leader of communication solutions at the forefront of delivering the latest in broadband and wireless technology. Bringing over 30 years of experience in telecommunications and government contracting, Kevin focuses on the development of secure and scalable 5G NR and 4G LTE products, and the integration and delivery of COTS products into customized solutions, including product certifications and accreditations. Throughout his career, Kevin has been extensively involved in the areas of Research and Development, Service Delivery and Systems Integration.
James (Jim) Row is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oceus Networks. With over 35 years of experience in commercial and enterprise software development overall and 20 years focused on mobile security and mobile technologies, Jim is responsible for assisting in the innovation and development of Oceus Networks products. His primary focus is on the research and development of secure mobile software and communications technologies and sensor data collection on an array of platforms. Over the years, Jim has also produced multiple awarded patents and completed multiple product certifications including NIAP validations for Oceus Networks.