White Paper
Outdoor Displays

Taking the Message Outdoors with High-Brightness Display Tech [White Paper]

The many barriers that limited how digital displays could be used outdoors and in direct sunlight have all come down, making it possible now to get high-impact, dynamic messaging in front of consumers in almost any situation. Rain, snow, heat and cold long conspired to make putting screens out in the elements – in a drive-thru lane or on a transit shelter wall – a costly, complicated and temperamental proposition. But no more. Putting digital signage in shop and bank branch windows was usually a wasted effort, because direct sunlight overpowered the light from the displays. That’s also changed.

New high-brightness displays built for use outdoors or in other high ambient light environments are now enabling businesses to take the message outdoors. Read the white paper below to learn about the underlying technology, the key considerations for deploying high-brightness displays and the various customizable solutions now available.

Have a challenging environment where you are looking to install high-brightness displays? Tell us about it in the comments.

Taking the Message Outdoors – Outdoor Display Tech Is Changing How Businesses Communicate from Samsung Business USA

Written By

Adam Stone

Adam Stone has over 20 years' experience writing extensively on healthcare, retail, hospitality, enterprise mobility, government and a range of other topics. His work has appeared in USA Today, American City Business Journals, Digital Healthcare and Productivity, SoftwareCEO, Internet Security, Hotel F&B, Senior Living Executive and many consumer and trade publications. Follow Adam on Twitter: @adamstonewriter

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