Case Studies
K-12 Tech

Digital Learning Engages Students, Empowers Teachers at Groveport Madison [Case Study]

The role of technology in education is changing. It’s expanding the ability of schools to add more courses and diverse, one-on-one learning experiences to fit the way children learn. It’s closing the socio-economic gaps. It’s empowering teachers by giving them tools to enrich the learning environment.

Groveport Madison School District near Columbus, Ohio isn’t a wealthy school district. But with its small IT department, it wanted to provide a more one-on-one learning experience with a blended learning platform. The district needed a cost-effective one-to-one technology solution that could be implemented and managed by the district.

Read this case study to find out how the district has rolled out more than 2,500 Samsung Chromebooks together with Google Apps for Education.

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Samsung for Business

A global leader in enterprise mobility and information technology, Samsung offers a diverse portfolio of business technologies from smartphones, wearables, tablets and PCs, to digital displays and storage solutions. We are committed to putting the business customer at the core of everything we do, serving diverse industries including education, finance, government, healthcare, hospitality, public safety, retail and transportation. Follow Samsung for Business on Twitter: @SamsungBizUSA

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