Mobile Productivity

Harnessing the Potential of Millennials With Your Workforce Technology

As millennials quickly become the majority of the workforce, they bring with them some unique technology needs and work styles. IT leaders must shift their strategies around workforce technology in order to harness millennial employees’ full potential and make the enterprise more connected and productive.

Mobile devices and applications are central to this shift. Millennials are much more engaged with their mobile devices than previous generations, and also consistently report that they see greater productivity gains from smartphone usage.

In the video below, J.P. Gownder, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester, discusses the findings of his recent study of the millennial generation’s relationship with workforce technology, and how enterprises need to adapt their workplace culture to better empower millennials with mobile technology and applications.

Millennials expect their employers to provide them with the latest mobile technology, such as Samsung’s line of enterprise-ready smartphones.

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Samsung for Business

A global leader in enterprise mobility and information technology, Samsung offers a diverse portfolio of business technologies from smartphones, wearables, tablets and PCs, to digital displays and storage solutions. We are committed to putting the business customer at the core of everything we do, serving diverse industries including education, finance, government, healthcare, hospitality, public safety, retail and transportation. Follow Samsung for Business on Twitter: @SamsungBizUSA

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