Public Safety

Enhancing Situational Awareness and Collaboration in Public Safety With Mobile

For public safety officers, situational awareness and real-time communication are critical to both officer safety and protecting the public. That’s why mobile technologies are increasingly becoming some of the most important tools for agencies — allowing for faster and smarter information sharing.

At the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in Philadelphia, BlueLine Grid CEO David Riker spoke about how his company is working with Samsung to deliver new mobile solutions.

“How do you take the power of the team to have enough intelligence to act uniformly — even when people are in different situations?” posed Riker. “[The solution] is critical, especially in such a complex mobile environment.”

Riker also talked about the many new mobile apps available for download, but pointed out that most don’t address the core challenge of interoperability.

“Interoperability has been a challenge for public safety for as long as public safety agencies have needed to communicate with each other,” he said. “The radio is limited, so BlueLine Grid facilitates trust between different agencies and also the way they can find and communicate with each other using a mobile phone.”

Learn more about Samsung’s mobile solutions for public safety.

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Natalie Zfat

Natalie Zfat is a social media entrepreneur and Forbes Contributor who has partnered with some of the most iconic brands in the world, including Rolling Stone, Food Network, American Express and Levi’s. Curating original content and videos, Zfat gains millions of impressions for the brands she advocates for. When she's not engaging with her half a million followers, Zfat loves sharing her entrepreneurial thought leadership at conferences and universities, including Carnegie Mellon, NYU Stern School of Business, The Harvard Club of New York and Internet of Things World. Follow Natalie on Twitter: @NatalieZfat

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