
How to Gain Operational Efficiencies With Wearables | SBTV

Enterprises are always on the lookout for ways to be more efficient and improve customer experiences. Now, industries as varied as retail, finance and manufacturing are discovering ways to achieve greater operational efficiencies with wearables.

Samsung wearable technology is enabling both better task management and better communication in the workplace. This is especially true in instances where employees are spread out in buildings with large footprints. For example, in a large manufacturing environment, employees and managers can communicate in real-time about tasks that need to be completed and parts required, or can respond to equipment maintenance alerts.

Another way enterprises are seeing greater operational efficiencies with wearables is through the data they are able to collect. By digitizing previously analog tasks, enterprises can use the data to measure operational success as well as improve upon current processes.

Learn more about how your enterprise can increase its operational efficiencies with wearables in this SBTV roundtable.

Get your free guide to using wearables to help keep your employees healthy, present and productive.

Written By

Becky Lawlor

Becky Lawlor is a freelance technology writer. She develops and writes content on topics such as mobility, cloud services, unified communications, managed services, and more.

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