
How Developers and Enterprises Can Collaborate on App Design

I recently attended the 2019 Samsung Developer Conference, where I spoke with analysts Carolina Milanesi and Patrick Moorhead about the opportunities available to developers and the ways they can collaborate with enterprises. Keep reading for excerpts from our conversation, or watch the Q&A videos.

Question: Where do developers fit in the B2B landscape?

Patrick: Developers are really at the top of the stack. Hardware for hardware’s sake doesn’t solve any business problems. Hardware needs to have applications and data associated with it, and that’s exactly where developers sit.

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Carolina: It’s fascinating to me because when we talk about developers, everybody thinks about consumers. For Samsung, they’re so strong in the B2B space. We need to think about developers as enterprises that have a B2C reach, as well as an internal need for applications.

Question: What opportunities are available to developers, thanks to open scalable artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) platforms?

Patrick: Open and scalable AI and IoT are very important. There are hundreds of billions of dollars of opportunities in AI, mobility and IoT. It almost doesn’t even make sense to count them. Particularly, the new opportunities are in IoT, but mobility hasn’t worked itself out completely either. Enterprises are still having challenges scaling their mobile application development.

Question: How can companies like Samsung collaborate with the developer community?

Patrick: Samsung plays a pivotal role working with the developer community on many levels. First off, enterprises aren’t looking for off-the-shelf consumer devices to put in their rugged environments or even areas that need to be the most secure. They’re looking for bespoke enterprise-grade devices that are not only secure, but also very rugged. They’re also partnering in the ability to help developers build applications and specific features for the Samsung platform.

Carolina: When you’re thinking about developers, there are two things that matter to them: making money and optimizing the way they work. We want to reach the largest number of users in enterprise and in consumer. What that means is having solutions that allow them to develop one [app] and deploy several times on different devices and then monetize by giving access to the millions of Samsung users.

Question: What about the other way around? How can developers partner with companies like Samsung to change the way we work and live?

Patrick: There are a lot of ways that developers can work with companies like Samsung. First of all, they have to be very communicative in exactly what they’re looking for that could help them with their businesses. Developers should be going to Samsung events, and they should be going to the new Hackathon that was announced, which I think is exciting. I also see a lot of new developer tools that Samsung has been improving over the years and has improved this year as well.

Carolina: At the end of the day, I feel that applications bring all sorts of devices to life, whether it’s a phone, a TV or a wearable device. We need developers to help us take advantage of all the technology we have around us.

Read about the applications showcased at the 2019 Samsung Developer Conference.

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Natalie Zfat

Natalie Zfat is a social media entrepreneur and Forbes Contributor who has partnered with some of the most iconic brands in the world, including Rolling Stone, Food Network, American Express and Levi’s. Curating original content and videos, Zfat gains millions of impressions for the brands she advocates for. When she's not engaging with her half a million followers, Zfat loves sharing her entrepreneurial thought leadership at conferences and universities, including Carnegie Mellon, NYU Stern School of Business, The Harvard Club of New York and Internet of Things World. Follow Natalie on Twitter: @NatalieZfat

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