Gartner Highlights Key Pillars of a Resilient Digital Government
Building a resilient digital government program requires an emphasis on collaboration and open communication within all departments.
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Building a resilient digital government program requires an emphasis on collaboration and open communication within all departments.
The results of the 2016 Digital States Survey indicate a broad range of approaches to digital government, with a strong emphasis on mobile applications.
Building a digital government is a crucial step in helping citizens easily and quickly gain access to critical information.
The White House has announced that government agencies will make open source code available for everyone to view, research and use on its website.
Citizens are looking to technology to drive open government programs, leading some governments to respond with innovative solutions.
Digital signage and related DMV technology can remove pain, frustration and tedium from visits to the DMV or other government agencies.
As the vision of the Internet of Things gets closer, real-time open data will benefit consumers, private enterprises and federal agencies alike.
Cloud computing solutions can make government operations more efficient by increasing up time, reducing maintenance costs and providing valuable security.