
How Technology Enhances the Patient Experience in Hospitals

Hospitals have always cared about the patient experience. But due to the new healthcare legislation that ties Medicare reimbursement to both patient satisfaction and readmission rates, providing quality care is now not only a moral obligation for hospitals but a business imperative as well. That’s why innovative hospitals are using digital technology to ensure patients feel satisfied with their stay and get all the information they need to remain healthy at home.

In order for hospitals to deliver a smart, comfortable and interactive patient experience, they must address four critical touch points:

  1. Check-in: Digital registration reduces check-in time and patient frustration, minimizes human error during data input, provides physicians with real-time patient information and reduces administrative costs.
  2. Hallways: Interactive wayfinding tools and digital bulletin boards provide clear, up-to-date information and can trigger personalized content to patient and visitor smartphones.
  3. Patient rooms: Smart TVs distract patients from pain and anxiety, facilitate communication with care teams and serve up easy-to-comprehend disease management education.
  4. Patient bedside: Tablet-based EHR access increases patient education and knowledge retention, which decreases readmission rates.

For more on how digital technology helps keep hospital patients happy and healthy, read the eBook below.

How Technology Enhances the Patient Experience – A Step-by-Step Guide from Samsung Business USA