Device Management

Secure DevOps With the Knox SDK Toolkit for Enterprise Innovation

Mobile transformation is imperative for modern organizations, but enterprise mobility teams are grappling with competing priorities of security and user experiences. Backlogs are expanding rapidly in many enterprises, as innovation takes a backseat to complex risk management requirements across devices. Senior executives are citing a need for effective apps, user experience, and security as the top three strategic pressures, according to the Oxford Economics research report “Maximizing Mobile Value.”

A comprehensive ecosystem for secure DevOps can create the transparency and control needed to accelerate mobile transformation. The Knox SDK toolkit breaks down the barriers facing enterprise mobility teams across industries.

On the second day of the upcoming Samsung Developer Conference (SDC), which takes place November 7-8th in San Francisco, technologists will learn about the new Knox API and SDK in two targeted presentations, and how to  create more secure enterprise tools. Attendees will learn how to efficiently meet emerging app development use cases without sacrificing employee ease-of-use or security. By adding more control, flexibility and scale to the standard Android SDK, DevOps can efficiently create and deploy purpose-built experiences across Samsung smartphones, tablets and wearables.

The future of security and Knox will be focused on at 12:30, with Samsung Electronic’s Principal Engineer, Jongoh Hur, presenting Experience the New Knox Platform For TV and Knox’s API, and at 1:30pm, when David Thomson, Product Manager, and Michael Grace, Knox Security Team Lead, Samsung Research America, take a deep dive into security in the enterprise with Developing Secure Solutions with Samsung Knox. 

Simplify Security to Speed Up Innovation

The Samsung Knox SDK is a comprehensive set of app development and mobility management tools to efficiently create exceptional employee and customer mobile experiences. By extending the Android SDK, Knox SDK provides development teams with full control and visibility, allowing them to create secure user policies, manage device settings and configure apps.

Mobile Security is Crucial

White Paper

Find out why Samsung devices are some of the most secure available in this white paper. Download Now

With tools to strengthen and scale security, DevOps can shift attention towards innovative solutions to real business problems such as purpose-built experiences for vertical industries. The SDK includes more than 1,500 APIs to streamline compliant app development in highly-regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, education and public safety.

Create and Manage Purpose-Built Workflows

The Knox ecosystem provides a unified stack for managing devices, users, apps and data in the enterprise. According to the Oxford Economics study, fifty-three percent of organizations say that a lack of interoperability between devices, apps and systems is a barrier to mobile maturity. Knox can enable a comprehensive ecosystem for development and mobile device management (MDM), starting with Samsung devices engineered for defense-grade security.

Capturing the value of mobile productivity requires developers to enhance security in ways that are invisible to the end user the vast majority of the time. The Knox SDK gives app developers the power to safeguard sensitive data from the minute a device is powered on by creating an invisible barrier between personal activities and work on an employee’s Samsung device. Flexible container capabilities provide the ability to create Knox containers with full control over Single Sign-On and VPN or streamline the employee experience with invisible containerization.

Secure DevOps With the Samsung Knox SDK

The Samsung Knox SDK provides app development teams with full control over all aspects of Samsung devices. Developers can tailor solutions to minimize risk and deliver value with streamlined tools for enterprise data security, user experience and policy. Here’s how:

1. Accounts

Remotely configure email accounts and create policies which restrict a user’s ability to add, change or disable account settings.

2. Apps

Developers can blacklist apps, install, start and stop app content. App security settings make it possible to stop default applications such as PlayStore to prevent exposure to malicious app content on employer-owned devices.

3. Connectivity

Protect sensitive data and users from risky connections with policies to control connectivity to common sources of risk, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB or proxies. Configure app policies for secure VPN encryption to ensure the most sensitive data is protected in transit while limiting the impact on employee experience.

4. Containerization

Create invisible or password-protected containers around enterprise apps and data, and implement Knox Sensitive Data Protection to safeguard data being stored on the device.

5. Credentials

Unify credential management across storage hardware with vendor-agnostic APIs.

6. Customize

Transform Samsung devices into purpose-built solutions for specific use cases. Developers can limit device display to a single app to create self-serve kiosks for bank branches or hospitality organizations.

7. Device

Customize device security with full control over location, date, multi-user settings and other features to balance employee productivity with risk requirements.

8. Secure and Detect

Implement settings to automatically lock the device and data if compromised keystore certificates, device rooting or unauthorized firmware is detected when the device is in use or when booting is initiated.

Security for Apps, Devices, and Users Starts with DevOps

Enterprise app development teams are facing more pressure than ever to create and scale secure application experiences for customers and employees. In an increasingly complex landscape, unlocking the potential value of mobile requires transparency across device, apps, users and network. The Knox SDK builds on standard Android SDK with an ecosystem of capabilities to manage security, customization and device health.

Register for the Samsung Developer Conference and learn more about these Knox SDK tips and tricks here.

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Written By

Jasmine Henry

Jasmine Henry (formerly Jasmine W. Gordon) is a Seattle-based commentator and freelance journalist specializing in analytics, information security and other emerging tech trends. Henry holds an MS in Informatics & Analytics from Lipscomb University in Nashville, where she also completed a graduate certificate in Health Care Informatics. Her work has appeared in Forbes, Time, Reuters, HR Professionals Magazine, ADP Spark, HP Tektonika, Mimecast and dozens of other publications.

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