K-12 Tech

Teachers Ready for Virtual Reality in Education

Today’s teachers are ready to champion the use of virtual reality in education for their digitally savvy students. According to a GfK survey commissioned by Samsung, 85 percent of teachers agree that virtual reality would have a positive effect on their pupils. They believe it would be an asset to help students better understand learning concepts and collaborate in the classroom, and see it as a way to allow students to engage in new experiences related to course content via virtual field trips to faraway places or historical events. Eighty-four percent of teachers believe that virtual reality would increase student motivation.

Science, history and social studies are the top subjects teachers believe will benefit from the use of virtual reality in education. Availability of virtual reality content and applications for education continues to expand, such as the simulated lab experiments available from Labster.

However, few schools and districts have adopted the virtual reality technology as yet, and just over one-third of teachers expect them to do so in less than five years. But there are easy ways for teachers to get started with VR today, including using affordable headsets that are compatible with smartphones.

See the results of the survey and learn more about how you can use virtual reality in the classroom in the infographic below.

Is Virtual Reality Ready for the Classroom? from Samsung Business USA

Written By

Jennifer Zaino

Jennifer Zaino has years of experience writing about the use of technology in education. She’s covered subjects including the deployment of Chromebooks as part of one-to-one middle school education initiatives; the use of thin clients in campus-wide higher-ed VDI efforts; and how semantic web, AI, machine learning and smart data technologies are transforming online learning. A former editor at PC Magazine, InformationWeek and Network Computing, Zaino covers a variety of technology, education and health topics for various publications. Follow Jennifer on Twitter: @Jenz514

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