
Why Developers Should Consider Building Apps for Enterprises

While attending the Samsung Developer Conference (SDC) in San Jose this year, I had the chance to speak with Samsung executives, analysts and partners from many different industries about why developers should build mobile apps for enterprises. Here’s what the experts had to say.

According to Samsung Product Strategy Manager Morgan Parker, business needs are neverending and always changing. The result? Endless opportunities for developers.

“Enterprise provides a lot of opportunity for app developers, where consumers can be quite tough to find a new app or a new idea,” said Parker. For developers, this is a great scalable opportunity for them to reach as many people as possible.

Samsung Solution Innovations Specialist Swalé Nunez says the difference is between creating tools and creating toys.

“Enterprise resonates with me because of the opportunity to impact lives,” said Nunez. “For the healthcare, transportation and public safety industries, developers can use technology to solve problems for people saving lives every day, so they can focus on the things that are [most] important.”

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Greg Albrecht, founder and CEO of Orion Labs, believes programmers can enable workers to be safer, faster and more effective, while getting work done and having the most impact on their enterprises.

“The blend between work and play is becoming more of what a developer wants to reach,” said tech analyst Carolina Milanesi. “This [helps them] ensure apps and solutions reach users from the most possible touchpoints.”

Enterprise apps are also a hundred-billion-dollar opportunity. Technology analyst Patrick Moorhead notes the difference in what enterprises are looking for, what they’re getting and what developers are currently offering.

“In some sense, it’s easier and quicker to make apps for consumers, but in many ways, B2B is where the money is at,” said Mike Feibus, analyst and founder of FeibusTech.

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Natalie Zfat

Natalie Zfat is a social media entrepreneur and Forbes Contributor who has partnered with some of the most iconic brands in the world, including Rolling Stone, Food Network, American Express and Levi’s. Curating original content and videos, Zfat gains millions of impressions for the brands she advocates for. When she's not engaging with her half a million followers, Zfat loves sharing her entrepreneurial thought leadership at conferences and universities, including Carnegie Mellon, NYU Stern School of Business, The Harvard Club of New York and Internet of Things World. Follow Natalie on Twitter: @NatalieZfat

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