Case Studies
Food & Beverage

Buffalo Wings & Rings Improves Customer Service, Reduces Wait Times and Speeds Turnover With Smartwatches

The Challenge

The Solution

The reminders on the watches lowered table turnover time from 67 to 62 minutes.

The Results

The Challenge

Ensuring Staff Perform Tasks on Time

“No matter where they were in the restaurant, [waiters] always knew that a table had been set and they had to be there in 45 seconds.”

– Ed Carlin, General Manager, Buffalo Wings & Rings

The Solution:

Automated Notifications to Improve Restaurant Service

The Technology:

Samsung Wearable Tech

Samsung Gear S2

Designed for mobile productivity, The Gear S2 gives you access to important notifications at a glance.

Samsung Gear S3

Premium, easy to use and manage wearable, built to last through the demands of work and life.

The Result:

Improved Customer Experience, Higher Revenue and Tips

After having the system in place for three months, Carlin reports “significant impacts” in a number of areas, including:

  • Improved customer experience due to assured completion of tasks.
  • Faster customer service resulting from a more efficient and timely workflow.
  • Higher daily revenues from faster table turnover.
  • Quick resolution of customer requests and service-related issues.

By the end of the pilot, waitstaff reduced average table turnover time by five minutes, because of efficient service and faster delivery of the bill. Being able to clear tables faster produced a tangible return on investment by allowing Buffalo Wings & Rings to serve more customers during a day. With the smartwatches in use, waiters served an additional 10 tables for every 150 tables seated. “It doesn’t sound like a lot, but shaving five minutes off each table added up. It incrementally added up to checks that otherwise wouldn’t be there in the course of the day. And that has had a direct impact on revenue,” says Bharat Saini, CTO of Hipaax.

The pilot also yielded other benefits, including improved service and the assurance that managers visited each table and greeted every guest at least once during their dining experience. Through better service and guaranteed interaction with management, Carlin says, there was a “noticeable” improvement in customer experience, loyalty and tips for waiters.

Samsung 360 Snapshot

Written By

Craig Guillot

Craig Guillot is a business writer who specializes in tech and the retail industry. His work has appeared in STORES Magazine (National Retail Federation), Chief Executive, and Wall Street Journal.

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