K-12 Tech

How to do grade A schoolwork with Google Classroom

If your school district is making the switch to Chromebooks, it’s likely that teachers and students will also be making use of Google Classroom, a digital learning platform designed to make lessons and homework accessible and easily shareable between teachers and students.

While Google’s cloud-based learning platform is intuitive and easy to learn, students might want some help getting up to speed. That’s why Samsung created “Chromebook hacks for the new classroom” — a series of kid-hosted how-to videos that cover everything your students need to know, from the absolute basics, right through to pro tips.

While you’re at it, be sure to check out the video on Google Docs and Google Slides — and help out parents with some Google Classroom tips just for them. Other topics covered in the series include Chromebook beginner’s tips and how to look after your Chromebook.

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom has become the common virtual workspace for K-12 schools worldwide. It’s a free platform that Google developed to help teachers communicate with students, set assignments, share feedback and more. For students who are new to Google Classroom, here are a few essential tips:

Signing in and joining a class

Before you join a class, make sure you’re signed into the right Google account. If your teacher sent you a class link, click the link and then click Join.

If you have a class code, go to and click the plus sign at the top of the screen. Enter the class code from your teacher and click Join.

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You can see all your classes on the main screen of Google Classroom. Click one and it will take you to the class page.

This page is called the Stream. It’s where your teacher posts announcements and reminders. You can also use the Stream to ask questions or leave comments on your classmates’ posts.

Navigating Classwork and doing assignments

From the class’s main page, click the Classwork tab. This is where assignments are posted. Click “View Assignment” and the directions will appear at the top of the screen. If you have a question for your teacher about the assignment, click the box below and type it in.

To create an assigment, first look for the box that says “Your work,” on the right. Underneath that box, click “Add or create,” which brings up a menu. From here, you can choose the app your teacher wants you to use to create the assignment.

Once you’re done with your work, go back to the Assignment page, make sure you’ve attached your completed assignment and click “Turn in.”

Answering a quiz or question

If your teacher assigns you a quiz, you’ll find it on the Classwork page. Click on the assignment and it will take you to the quiz. Once you’ve filled out the quiz, just click “Send” to submit.

Sometimes your teacher will post a question for you to answer. It could be multiple-choice, or you might need to type out a short answer. You’ll find the question listed with other assignments on the Classwork page. Simply click on the question, enter your answer and click “Turn in.”

Checking grades

There are a couple of ways to check your grades. If you want to see your grade on a specific assignment, go to the Classwork page and click on the particular assignment. Here, you can see your grade and also read any comments your teacher may have added.

If you want to see all your grades at once, go back to the Classwork page and click “View your work.” This brings up a list of all your assignments. To just see the assignments that have been graded, click Returned. From here, you can also see any comments your teacher left you on a specific assignment. Just click the Comment icon to view them.

Google Classroom pro tips

Here are a few expert tips that will save you valuable time and effort:

  1. While Google Classroom works best on your Chromebook, you can also connect on other devices, like your smartphone. This mobile accessibility is handy for checking grades and keeping up with assignments when you’re not in class. You’ll just need to log in with the same school account.
  2. Google Classroom’s To-do list can be your secret superpower for staying organized. To find it, click on the hamburger menu icon at the top left of the main screen. Then choose “To-do” from the menu. You’ll see a list of all your current assignments and their due dates — everything in one place.
  3. There’s also the Calendar, accessible from the main screen, which shows your weekly schedule of classes and assignments.

For more Chromebook tips and tricks for students, teachers and everyone else, be sure to check out Samsung’s other Chromebook how-to videos.

As you consider bringing more mobile technology to your district, discover the breadth of digital learning tools from Samsung. And if there are budget concerns — there usually are — learn how to create, present and secure grants for remote learning technology in this free guide.

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Written By

Jessica Leigh Brown

Jessica Leigh Brown is a freelance writer and former high school English teacher who covers the intersection of technology and education. Over the past decade, her work has appeared in EdSurge Higher Ed, Education Dive, EdTech Magazine, University Business, and District Administration.

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